Biscuits of Joy: let's tell a story
celticskillz: ok
Biscuits of Joy: the man looked ominous in his top hat...
Biscuits of Joy: as he...
Biscuits of Joy: [your turn]
celticskillz: ...stared down the gloomy street filled with fog, and turned to...
Biscuits of Joy: meet his blue eyed assailent who had just...
celticskillz: dropped down from the over hanging roof of...
Biscuits of Joy: the eiffel tour. the man grimaced as his assailent's...
celticskillz: dark scar running along his left cheek. He flinched recognizing it as a scar from...
Biscuits of Joy: the new sears catalog. "Blast!" he cried...
celticskillz: "You have found me here all the way in Paris!" but the silent assasin just...
Biscuits of Joy: described what he was going to do to him with various gesticulatations. "Yes, I've found you Mr...
celticskillz: Hensworth, but not to kill you, for I hear that you posses...
Biscuits of Joy: a license in...
celticskillz: the art of...
Biscuits of Joy: Norwegian flag making
Biscuits of Joy: .
celticskillz: *gasp* "how did you find that out?! i kept it a secret, even from my late wife, may she rest in peace. But i gave that up years ago, after...
Biscuits of Joy: the--accident. You see man." The assailent interupted, "The name's...
celticskillz: Jorjey, as in George. You see, i come from a long line of honorable...
Biscuits of Joy: tricycle makers. Yes, my family has been in the business since the beginning, but when I finally took over the business, I couldn't help but feeling...
celticskillz: a little flabbergasted. I realized that this would never make the kinda money i needed to fund my plans of...
Biscuits of Joy: some sort of a two wheeled vehicle. That is why...
celticskillz: i have decided to seek your attention, good sir. as you can guess, i am here to...
Biscuits of Joy: standardize the process of...
celticskillz: world domination" The wind howled as the man in the top-hat stood gaping at this...
Biscuits of Joy: obviously insane gypsy
Biscuits of Joy: .
celticskillz: and realized with a start that his wallet was...
Biscuits of Joy: still in his...
celticskillz: hat, along with his....
Biscuits of Joy: gun and pack of...
celticskillz: cuban cigars, "Damn," he thought, "i was going to smoke those at the top of the Tower, but now...
Biscuits of Joy: I will just have to see what this gypsy...
celticskillz: thinks of polka." He raised eyes to those of the man and inquired...
Biscuits of Joy: The gypsy's eyes darkened as he said, "My father was...
celticskillz: a robot, from...
Biscuits of Joy: Poland and he used to love to listen to...
celticskillz: techno beats that were so flipping fresh that...
Biscuits of Joy: his lights would flash to the rhythm and...
celticskillz: soon he over heated and...
Biscuits of Joy: exploded.
Biscuits of Joy: "
celticskillz: "well, this certainly clears up alot of...
Biscuits of Joy: loose ends, doesn't it?"
celticskillz: said the old man in the hat,"you know, this reminds me of the time...
Biscuits of Joy: when this old chum of mine Sam said,
celticskillz: What wouldn't Jesus do?"...
Biscuits of Joy: the...
celticskillz: very same day as Tristan jumped...
Biscuits of Joy: up in a freeze frame as a title saying 'the end' zoomed in from the left
celticskillz: and twenty minutes later, after the credits had rolled, fell down upon...
Biscuits of Joy: an exclamation point
celticskillz: that peirced him through his...
Biscuits of Joy: the end
Biscuits of Joy: that was
celticskillz: scribled across his...
Biscuits of Joy: built-ins
celticskillz: custom made from that street over there...
Biscuits of Joy: down by...
celticskillz: the eiffel...
Biscuits of Joy: fried chicken
celticskillz: constructed in 1889 by some...
Biscuits of Joy: american
celticskillz: alien
celticskillz: who
celticskillz: ...
Biscuits of Joy: once bough a pair of...
celticskillz: baterrangs from the caped crusader because...
Biscuits of Joy: he was feeling kind of...
celticskillz: sad...
Biscuits of Joy: since his best friend...
celticskillz: was killed yesterday protesting...
Biscuits of Joy: the execution of his friend's
celticskillz: second...
Biscuits of Joy: best...
celticskillz: pair of...
Biscuits of Joy: high socks ever.
celticskillz: and so, decided, to die in order to let this story get back on its non-existing track. so...
Biscuits of Joy: mr. hensworth sought out the fleeing gypsy so he could...
celticskillz: activate his...
Biscuits of Joy: bobsled geared....
celticskillz: turbo-charged...
Biscuits of Joy: super flying...
celticskillz: ultra-customized...
Biscuits of Joy: bowtie
celticskillz: with supersonic...
Biscuits of Joy: sonics
celticskillz: because he needed phonics...
Biscuits of Joy: to get hooked on
celticskillz: drugs
celticskillz: such as...
Biscuits of Joy: special k
celticskillz: and the serious stuff, like cherios, coated in...
Biscuits of Joy: frosting
Biscuits of Joy: "don't forget to eat cho wheaties" he cried
celticskillz: which caused the gypsy to...
Biscuits of Joy: break down in a puddle of tears, since...
celticskillz: he forgot to eat breakfast today. his mother always said...
Biscuits of Joy: it was the most important meal of the day
celticskillz: especially before hunting a man who is rich enough to...
Biscuits of Joy: make norwegian flags
Biscuits of Joy: like...
celticskillz: theres no tomorrow, which is how tristan should be readin right now, instead of...
Biscuits of Joy: creating a...
celticskillz: masterful...
Biscuits of Joy: truly beautiful...
celticskillz: eloquently done...
Biscuits of Joy: soon to be film...
celticskillz: and probably gonna be published as a novelette...
Biscuits of Joy: nytimes best seller list worthy...
celticskillz: better than the unworthy davinci code...
Biscuits of Joy: -ish...
celticskillz: o so clever...
Biscuits of Joy: set in paris....
celticskillz: kinda drawling...
Biscuits of Joy: ending next-ing...
celticskillz: dont know how to stop-er...
Biscuits of Joy: always memorable...
celticskillz: zestfully sinful...
Biscuits of Joy: hotpotato like...
celticskillz: over-to-you-please-y...
Biscuits of Joy: summer squash medley...
celticskillz: winter-ice-sculpture award winning...
celticskillz: STORY!
celticskillz: whew
celticskillz: thats over
Biscuits of Joy: whew
celticskillz: or is it...
Biscuits of Joy: more than an hour that was
celticskillz: about one hour ten minutes
celticskillz: wow
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1 comment:
every time i try to read this i stop and continue looking at pictures. i finally finished it, and cannpt decide if it was a waste of time or not.
an hour and ten minutes. that is saddish, but rather amusing.
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