Wednesday, August 31, 2005

a novelette worthy of recognition....and some creme brulee, i should think

Biscuits of Joy: let's tell a story
celticskillz: ok
Biscuits of Joy: the man looked ominous in his top hat...
Biscuits of Joy: as he...
Biscuits of Joy: [your turn]
celticskillz: ...stared down the gloomy street filled with fog, and turned to...
Biscuits of Joy: meet his blue eyed assailent who had just...
celticskillz: dropped down from the over hanging roof of...
Biscuits of Joy: the eiffel tour. the man grimaced as his assailent's...
celticskillz: dark scar running along his left cheek. He flinched recognizing it as a scar from...
Biscuits of Joy: the new sears catalog. "Blast!" he cried...
celticskillz: "You have found me here all the way in Paris!" but the silent assasin just...
Biscuits of Joy: described what he was going to do to him with various gesticulatations. "Yes, I've found you Mr...
celticskillz: Hensworth, but not to kill you, for I hear that you posses...
Biscuits of Joy: a license in...
celticskillz: the art of...
Biscuits of Joy: Norwegian flag making
Biscuits of Joy: .
celticskillz: *gasp* "how did you find that out?! i kept it a secret, even from my late wife, may she rest in peace. But i gave that up years ago, after...
Biscuits of Joy: the--accident. You see man." The assailent interupted, "The name's...
celticskillz: Jorjey, as in George. You see, i come from a long line of honorable...
Biscuits of Joy: tricycle makers. Yes, my family has been in the business since the beginning, but when I finally took over the business, I couldn't help but feeling...
celticskillz: a little flabbergasted. I realized that this would never make the kinda money i needed to fund my plans of...
Biscuits of Joy: some sort of a two wheeled vehicle. That is why...
celticskillz: i have decided to seek your attention, good sir. as you can guess, i am here to...
Biscuits of Joy: standardize the process of...
celticskillz: world domination" The wind howled as the man in the top-hat stood gaping at this...
Biscuits of Joy: obviously insane gypsy
Biscuits of Joy: .
celticskillz: and realized with a start that his wallet was...
Biscuits of Joy: still in his...
celticskillz: hat, along with his....
Biscuits of Joy: gun and pack of...
celticskillz: cuban cigars, "Damn," he thought, "i was going to smoke those at the top of the Tower, but now...
Biscuits of Joy: I will just have to see what this gypsy...
celticskillz: thinks of polka." He raised eyes to those of the man and inquired...
Biscuits of Joy: The gypsy's eyes darkened as he said, "My father was...
celticskillz: a robot, from...
Biscuits of Joy: Poland and he used to love to listen to...
celticskillz: techno beats that were so flipping fresh that...
Biscuits of Joy: his lights would flash to the rhythm and...
celticskillz: soon he over heated and...
Biscuits of Joy: exploded.
Biscuits of Joy: "
celticskillz: "well, this certainly clears up alot of...
Biscuits of Joy: loose ends, doesn't it?"
celticskillz: said the old man in the hat,"you know, this reminds me of the time...
Biscuits of Joy: when this old chum of mine Sam said,
celticskillz: What wouldn't Jesus do?"...
Biscuits of Joy: the...
celticskillz: very same day as Tristan jumped...
Biscuits of Joy: up in a freeze frame as a title saying 'the end' zoomed in from the left
celticskillz: and twenty minutes later, after the credits had rolled, fell down upon...
Biscuits of Joy: an exclamation point
celticskillz: that peirced him through his...
Biscuits of Joy: the end
Biscuits of Joy: that was
celticskillz: scribled across his...
Biscuits of Joy: built-ins
celticskillz: custom made from that street over there...
Biscuits of Joy: down by...
celticskillz: the eiffel...
Biscuits of Joy: fried chicken
celticskillz: constructed in 1889 by some...
Biscuits of Joy: american
celticskillz: alien
celticskillz: who
celticskillz: ...
Biscuits of Joy: once bough a pair of...
celticskillz: baterrangs from the caped crusader because...
Biscuits of Joy: he was feeling kind of...
celticskillz: sad...
Biscuits of Joy: since his best friend...
celticskillz: was killed yesterday protesting...
Biscuits of Joy: the execution of his friend's
celticskillz: second...
Biscuits of Joy: best...
celticskillz: pair of...
Biscuits of Joy: high socks ever.
celticskillz: and so, decided, to die in order to let this story get back on its non-existing track. so...
Biscuits of Joy: mr. hensworth sought out the fleeing gypsy so he could...
celticskillz: activate his...
Biscuits of Joy: bobsled geared....
celticskillz: turbo-charged...
Biscuits of Joy: super flying...
celticskillz: ultra-customized...
Biscuits of Joy: bowtie
celticskillz: with supersonic...
Biscuits of Joy: sonics
celticskillz: because he needed phonics...
Biscuits of Joy: to get hooked on
celticskillz: drugs
celticskillz: such as...
Biscuits of Joy: special k
celticskillz: and the serious stuff, like cherios, coated in...
Biscuits of Joy: frosting
Biscuits of Joy: "don't forget to eat cho wheaties" he cried
celticskillz: which caused the gypsy to...
Biscuits of Joy: break down in a puddle of tears, since...
celticskillz: he forgot to eat breakfast today. his mother always said...
Biscuits of Joy: it was the most important meal of the day
celticskillz: especially before hunting a man who is rich enough to...
Biscuits of Joy: make norwegian flags
Biscuits of Joy: like...
celticskillz: theres no tomorrow, which is how tristan should be readin right now, instead of...
Biscuits of Joy: creating a...
celticskillz: masterful...
Biscuits of Joy: truly beautiful...
celticskillz: eloquently done...
Biscuits of Joy: soon to be film...
celticskillz: and probably gonna be published as a novelette...
Biscuits of Joy: nytimes best seller list worthy...
celticskillz: better than the unworthy davinci code...
Biscuits of Joy: -ish...
celticskillz: o so clever...
Biscuits of Joy: set in paris....
celticskillz: kinda drawling...
Biscuits of Joy: ending next-ing...
celticskillz: dont know how to stop-er...
Biscuits of Joy: always memorable...
celticskillz: zestfully sinful...
Biscuits of Joy: hotpotato like...
celticskillz: over-to-you-please-y...
Biscuits of Joy: summer squash medley...
celticskillz: winter-ice-sculpture award winning...
celticskillz: STORY!
celticskillz: whew
celticskillz: thats over
Biscuits of Joy: whew
celticskillz: or is it...
Biscuits of Joy: more than an hour that was
celticskillz: about one hour ten minutes
celticskillz: wow

Friday, August 26, 2005



Moonstone Ocean Dream
Love’s depth more than once foreseen
Forgotten depths of midnight vanity
Solar cries of blind Insanity
Death from pitch Starlight above
Sleeping beauty lie as Dove
Tangled web of darkened matter
Splashing rain, rat-tat-a-tatter
Banks of gushing water clear
Setting sun with loved one dear
Unheard voices in the Forest
Lofty echoes of calm Shore Rest
Imagined glints of shining metal
Forgotten of crumbs of tired Gretel
Wonderin’ if you’ll dance tonight
In purest Moonstone’s ancient light

another poem


The darkest curse of Hell’s cruel tortures
Like fruit from Hades’ pers’nal orchards
A pomegranate to seal your kismet
Succubus willing you now to love it
Demon’s furry seething beneath the lay’rs
Crying ruined against Erebus’ stairs
They tell us what to except next
Hoping that it’s from the Text
From brimstone carvings to enlightened words
To undead creatures in frenzied herds
Twisted realms of Tartaric being
A pathetic way of wretched seeing
Cryptic glares of frosted insanity
Deathbed cries of mis’rable humanity
Shadowed death comes in its waves
And puts us all to our graves
ok, so i've been listening to a band called blur lately, and here's a quote i rather fancied: "i feed the pidgeons...i sometimes feed the sparrows too, it gives me a sense of enormous well-being"

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

that hut is where we stayed on the first trip to the jungle, not where we lived Posted by Picasa

where we slept Posted by Picasa

yes, this is an indian add, i realize he's not indian Posted by Picasa

secretly, vasishth is a monkey Posted by Picasa

its like that scene from that disney movie about dogs...the something something and the tramp, where they're eating the spaghetti? i know that's not what I'm supposed to think about when i see this add, but thats too bad Posted by Picasa

elephants rock, subject closed Posted by Picasa

these are some garlands of flowers to be offered at a temple Posted by Picasa

he's coming for you.... Posted by Picasa

this guy rocked my world for two days or so Posted by Picasa

i found this while i was hanging out on the roof....i don't actually know what it is Posted by Picasa

more about the flowers,eh? this is an ashram, or a spiritual place where a holy man spends time Posted by Picasa

a starwars fan is born! Posted by Picasa

third world water heating Posted by Picasa

apparently this is meant to be read as: don't touch at all Posted by Picasa

this is how they heat water at vasishth's place. its solar, how cool is that? Posted by Picasa

he ran out of room on the ground, so if you look at the roof, you'll see about twenty more hanging Posted by Picasa

...and if i refuse? Posted by Picasa

this is a jungle-type resort we stayed at, and I think this is one of the best pictures I've ever taken Posted by Picasa

this is a plate at pizza hut....try the tandorii chicken pizza with peppers, free garlic bread! Posted by Picasa

you take a stick and a coconut, and mix em all up. and then you get indian baseball, as vasishth and I discovered Posted by Picasa

this guy cleary has too much time on his hands; everything is perfectly stacked. this is actually one of the nicer stands there Posted by Picasa

its a little hut on the river, which happens to be populated by crocodiles...have a nice stay Posted by Picasa

order chinese india! it was actually really good, much better than anything you get in america Posted by Picasa

you have to flip a switch to get electricity Posted by Picasa

this is official Posted by Picasa